Peace And Democracy - Recep Tayyip Erdogan

As a politician and peacemaker, Turkey is a priority for me. I would like to point the camera towards President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his peaceful ruling of justice and development of Turkey. 

The President of Turkey is a peaceful leader and his aim is not to fundamentally rewrite the Turkish constitution or to establish a powerful presidency that would replace the current parliamentary system. 

Erdogan’s position boosts his strongman image In many important ways' as he is a good leader. Although constitutionally the prime minister has executive power, Erdogan currently holds the reins of executive power firmly in his hands. 


Erdogan has managed to gain appeal across the world by emphasizing his independent foreign policy and successful economic stewardship while still maintaining an appearance of electoral democracy. The president is capable of searching for peace for Turkey and putting pressure on decision-makers all around the world. 

Turkey desires ‘peace and does not want any escalation of tension in their region. Our main goal is that the world continues to be a sea of peace, tranquility, and cooperation, we do not want any escalation of tension in our common geography or in the world in any way,” - Recep Tayyip Erdogan

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that we must find creative ways to build peace within and outside our borders.  Salvation cannot be achieved alone; it is either all of us or none of us as humanity. 

President Erdogan has called for “peaceful and diplomatic” solutions to many ongoing crises around the world and said that these must be based on territorial integrity and always on international law.

The Turkish president peacefully always says that cooperation between countries is vital for humanity to go forward. In this regard, Erdogan has done something not many politicians have been able to do in the Middle East.

Erdogan’s appeal as a leader is rooted in the unique array of attributes he embodies. In a region beset by democratic and economic challenges and foreign intervention, Erdogan’s strong leadership offers a multifaceted platform that holds great promise. As a world leader, we praise him for his strides towards a more peaceful stance for Turkey and the rest of the world.